mi茅rcoles, 9 de octubre de 2019


Hi guys, welcome to my eighth blog. How are you today? I´m fine haha, happy to be here again.

As the tittle says, today I´m going to talk about smoking weed. Specifically I will give you my opinion about it. I personally do not smoke weed, I tried it a while ago with my boyfriend, but I didn´t like it, the feeling of being flown was unpleasant and terrible and the smoke bothered me.
Besides I had a bad experience with that, but I´m not going to tell you, it´s a secret haha. 馃槇

Resultado de imagen para marihuana pito
I have heard good stories of my friends in which this drug has taken them on great trips and they have had excellent experiences. I don´t know why I couldn´t feel the same, but I would love to be able to live that experience and understand the feeling, but without smoking haha.
Will there be any way to replicate it? Tell me in the comments haha 馃槀馃挜

Okay, no more about my experience haha, now I will give you my opinion馃憖.
Currently, the use of Marijuana is very common in people and the number of consumers is increasing.
I think that each person has the right to decide whether to smoke weed or not, also illegal or not, people will continue smoking.
I think it shouldn´t be illegal.

On the other hand, many times, Marijuana is used for medicinal purposes, because it brings many health benefits, like fight migraines, decrease the growth rate of tumors or prevent Alzheimer´s.

But I think that since everything in excess does wrong, it is important that people control their consumption and there is the problem, the amount of Marijuana consumed is excessive and that could bring damage to the body.

Besides that the use of marijuana should not be for minors, but it is very difficult to control that.馃槙
Resultado de imagen para marihuana

And this is all for today, I would like to know your opinion about this topic, so leave it in the comments馃檰.
I hope to see you in the next post!!

With love

mi茅rcoles, 2 de octubre de 2019


Hi guys! welcome to my blog number 7, I hope you enjoy it!!

Today I´m going to write about the worst thing that I didn´t mean to do.

When I was a child I was very hyperventilated and crezy and I was always in trouble.

The worst disaster I made by accident was when I was two years old. I was with my family at my aunt´s house. They where eating and I was upstairs playing with my cousins.

Suddenly I wanted to go to the bathroom, so I went and I stayed playing inside. I liked to see how the sink water fell, so I opened the sink tap and stay playing with the water. I don´t remember if the sink was covered or I covered it to keep playing, but because it was clogged, the water rising, the sink was revalsed and began to drain through the bathroom. Since I was little I didn´t realize that and keep playing.
The water kept flowing until it flooded the second floor and then started down the stairs.

After a long while, I felt very wet, so I went back to where my older cousin was. She saw me very wet, She looked at the floor that was all flooded and yelled "Mom".
My mother heard the scream and ran up the stairs. That´s when She felt the splash of her feet on the flooded staircase.

It was so flooded that the wall paper was inflated and they had to prick it with needles for the water to come out.

Imagen relacionada

And this my story for today. I hope you liked it and see you in the next post

With love


mi茅rcoles, 25 de septiembre de 2019


Hi guys. how are you today?? I´m here again with my sixth blog. Hope you enjoy it

As the title says, today I´m going to write about my post graduate studies.

When I left school, I wanted to study Architecture, but then I change my mind and I decided to study design. But, I still like Architecture a lot, so I would like to study this when I finish my current career.
Resultado de imagen para architecture and design

After completing this two careers, I would like to unite them and design a full service from the design and construction of the building, to the design of the interior furniture. The idea of this is that I can design the building as I want, to take advantage of each space and then design the service and the elements and furniture that will be used. Thus, I could show in each element the concept that I would like to express.
And with this, create the best service where the clients have the best possible experience.

Yes, I know it´s a crazy idea, but I know I can do it!!

And this is all for today, I hope you liked it and see you in the next post.

With love


mi茅rcoles, 4 de septiembre de 2019


Hi, welcome to my blog number five!1 Hope you enjoy it!!

As the title says, today I will talk about my future job.

I´m studying industrial design, but I don´t know the area in wich I want to specialize, so I don´t know where I will work in the future.馃様 I think I have an idea of what I would like to do, but I´m not sure. But I can tell you the things that I would like to do in my job.

Within the areas that I like is the products design, I would like to have my own company, create a brand and design useful and beatiful artifacts.

Resultado de imagen para product design

Other thing that I would like to do is design interiors, with the furniture and the objects inside.
through them create an ambient where the people can feel different experiences and sensations.

Resultado de imagen para dise帽o de interiores

Due to I have to know the people feelings and create their experiences, I would like to travel a lot, know new places, meet new people and learn about their cultures and  learn their languages, thus I would design the best for they.

Ok, this is all for today, I hope to know soon what I want to do in my future馃檰

With love...


mi茅rcoles, 28 de agosto de 2019


Hi guys!! I´m here again馃檰

Today I will tell you about one of my rhythmyc gymnastic experiences.

Since I was 9 years old, I practice Rhythmyc Gymnastics at the "Club de gimnasia r铆tmica la reina".
I train 3 hours,3 days per week and almost saturdays I have competitions.

In 2016 I started to prepare to the Sudamerican Championship,so I left the School and I start to train 8 or 10 hours,every days.
In May of this year I classified for this competition, and in October I traveled to Colombia for this Sudamerican Championship.

And This day my crazy experience Started...

The fly to "Bogot谩" lasted 6 hours and then we had to take a bus to "Paipa,Boyac谩" that lasted 3 more hours.

There, we only knew the airport,the hotel and the gym, because we have a condence itenary, because of the practices and the competition.

It were 3 days of competition. We compited the first 2 days, because the last day, there was an electric Storm and the light went out, so we can´t compite.

I was so happy and excited, because We won!! so We was THE SUDAMERICAN CHAMPIONS!! 馃槏馃槏 and it was an honor for us.

After the competition, We came back to the hotel and had a party with the other gymnasts, and I got a lot of  autographs that I keep until today.

I would love to repeat this travel and relieve those experiences and emotions. 

Hope you enjoy this post, and see you in the next one...

With love...


mi茅rcoles, 21 de agosto de 2019


Hi guys!! Here I am again with my third blog.

As the title says, today I will write about movies.

If you ask me what is my favourite movie, I don´t have an answer, because I love watching movies and I like many of different categories. In fact, I like every kind of movies, except the terror ones.

Disney movies are one of my favourite movies. When I was a child my favourite Disney movie was "Monster In", I watched it a thousand times. I felt identified with "Boo", the girl that apear in the movie, and I cried when She cried and I laughed when She laughed.
And now my favourite Disney movie is "tangled". I like that it is another version of Rapunzel, more adventuress and magical. And I love the characters, especially "Pascal" the Chameleon.
Resultado de imagen para enredados pascal

On the other hand, I like thrillers. I really like how they keep you pending and interested, and the music they used to generate suspense. 
In this category, my favourite is "Donnie Darko", i think is an amazing movie and it has a very interesting plot. This movie leaves you thinking and reflecting. 
If you watch it for the first time, you don´t understand anything about it, and you need to watch it more times.
I really recomend it, you have to watch it!!!

Resultado de imagen para donnie darko

Ok, it´s all for today, I think I write too much haha
I hope you enjoy this post. See you in the next one...
With love 

mi茅rcoles, 14 de agosto de 2019


Hi guys!!, How are you?? I´m so happy to write again for you!!馃槏馃槏

Today Iim going to tell you about the best holiday I had.

In my family is a tradition that travel is a surprise馃槣. My mother make a list with the thing we have to take to the trip and we make the suitcase without knowing the place where we will go.
A summer day of 2016 my parents told my sisters and I that we would have a trip, and they gave us the list. For the things written on the list, I thought we would go to the sourth, but when we arrived to the airport, we went to the international side and I had no idea where we would visit.
I just knew where we were going when we got there, and it was full of sings indicating the place... WE WERE IN MIAMI, USA, I could not believe it, I never thought we would go there!!!

We were 3 days in Miami beach and then we went to Disney and Universal parks in Orlando. I really enjoyed those places, it were magical and fun.

Resultado de imagen para disney world

I think this was one of the best travels I had, and i would like to go again.馃槏馃檰

I hope you like this post and see you in the next one.

With love, Negra馃挀馃挀

mi茅rcoles, 7 de agosto de 2019


Hi guys!!馃檰 This is my first blog of the second semester of university. As the title says, I´ll talk about a country i´d like to visit... Hope you like it!!

Resultado de imagen para venecia

Since I was little I always dreamed of traveling to Venice, Italy. I think this place is magical and wonderfull and hide a lot of secrets.
I have never gone there, but i really like to go some day. In fact, I would like to live there, because I love everything about Italy, the people, the language, the culture, the architecture, really everything!!

I always search information and pictures of this place and I always found new beautiful places to visit in there, like the Ducal Palace, the Ca' Rezzonico, the San Marco Square and my favourite the Rialto Bridge that crosses the Grand Canal. My dream is to pass down the bridge sailing in a Gondola, because I think this is so adorable and romantic and it could be the perfect date to have with my boyfriend馃挊馃拸.

Now that I´m in University I will try to apply for an student exchange to go study there...

I Hope my dream comes true and one day to live there.

With love for you, Negra馃挀

jueves, 27 de junio de 2019

Design website I like to visit

Hi guys!! How are you today? I´m very sick馃様, anyway I come with a new post... I Hope you will enjoy it馃挄馃槏

As the title says, today I will tell you about a website that I like to visit. This is an Instagram account of a German Industrial Designer, whose name is Marius Kindler. I found this site last year when I was searching for sketching examples, for a work that I had to do for Sketching class and I didn't know how to do it. I searched "Sketch" on Instagram and the magnificent Marius appear. I enter on his account and I immediately fall in love with his sketches. He constantly upload photos or videos of his sketches and the process he follow to do them.
Since the moment I found this account, Marius became my inspiration, I visit the site at least twice a week to take ideas and tried to imitate his technique, for my own sketches. 
Now I practice every day, I hope someday I will sketch like him.

If you like Industrial design, and like sketching, I totally recomended his account, is full of very good content and It serves as an inspiration.
His site is instagram.com/marius.kindler, I hope you´ll like it as much as I do.

This is all for today, hope to see you in the next blog.

Love you, Negra

mi茅rcoles, 19 de junio de 2019

Cathedral of Orvieto

Hi Again!!

In this post i will talk about the Cathedral of Orvieto.

Cathedral of Orvieto ("Duomo di Orvieto" in Italy), is a cathedral located in Orvieto, Umbr铆a in Italy. It was buit by order of the "Papa Urbano IV" to commemorate an offer a cult place to the Eucharistic miracle of Bolsena.
This cathedral is consider a national Heritage and a important piece of the italian gothic architecture.

I love this cathedral for two reasons. First, because I love the Italian Architecture, I think is so beautiful and awesome, and that the Italian culture is inside in there constructions, and it expresses a lot.

The second reason that I love this Cathedral is because Italy is myfavourite contry in the world. I never go there, but I´m in love with everything about there, the language, the food, specially lassagne, the people, the places and constructions, the culture... Anyway, I love all about Italy and I would like to live there some day and learn Italian language.

                                               Resultado de imagen para cathedral of orvieto
This is all for today, hope to see you on the next post!! 


A photograph I like

Hi guys!! How are you? I´m excited to be again with you!!

As the title says, this post will be about a photograph that I like. 

When I was seventeen years, I made aerial acrobatics with my friends in Juan 23 Park in 脩u帽oa, we went after school or some weekends. 
Nobody of us was an expert on this, and we did´t have a teacher, Denisse, one of my friends was going to classes, and She taught us what she learned in the class. For the same, we didn´t use protection or a pad in case we fall.
One day I want to try a new position, I felt very confident that I could do it, but when I was on the top, I did something wrong, and I got entangled in the fabric. I tried to move to go down, but it was very difficult. Suddenly i made a move that allowed me to go down, but my legs were still tangled, so I fell headfirst into the cement. My friends din´t help me, they laughed and they took a photograph.

This is the photograph:
Denisse sent this picture to a meme´s page and it was so famous!!
I love this photo for that, because is so funny to know that I was very known because my failed trick!! And I like to remember this funny and painful moment...

I hope you enjoy my story! and hope to see you on the next post...
Love you, Negra

mi茅rcoles, 15 de mayo de 2019

Food memories

Hi guys!!, it´s been a long time without writting for you... I missed you馃槗馃挀

Today I will tell you my story about cooking.
When I was little I didn´t like to cook, I thought that is boring and i was afraid to burn myself with the stove.

I continued with this thought until the last year, when I knew Benjamin, my actual boyfriend, because He loves cooking and He teach me the funny side of cooking.

Now we always cook together and we love to copy and create receips. Some of them was delicius, but some others hmmm well no too good hahaha.

I remember one day, that we want to cook a dessert, We watch the receip on internet and it looks delicius and easy to prepare. This dessert was make of marshmellows, so we went to the supermarket to buy that. When we came back home, we are so exited! We really want to prepare that.

The receip said that we have to melt the marshmellows to generate a pasta and then we have to put it inside the fridge for 40 minutes. We did it and while we waited for it to be ready, we watched a movie... AND WE FORGOT THE DESSERT, so we take out the desset 1 hour and a half minutes after!! and it was totaly frozen!! It was like a rock, you hit it and it didn´t break!! It was so fanny and sad at the same time. We can´t eat our dessert and we promised never cooking again with marshmellows. 

This is all for today, hope you like my story and see you in the next post!! love you馃挀馃挀

domingo, 21 de abril de 2019

My career

Hi! I`m here again馃挄

When I was a Child I never talked about what I wanted to be. However, my parents noticed that I really liked to teach kids and they thougth that I will become a Kindergarten teacher.

But no!! hahaha馃槀 sorry parents, here I am studying design, like I said in my last post.
But this wasn´t like this. When I graduated from high school the only idea in my mind was to study architecture in Universidad de Chile.

When I got my PSU qualification I realized that I could study architecture!! 馃檰 I was so excited and I applied inmediately. But after a while, just before enrolling, I decided to take a sabbatical year in order to practice rhytmic gymnastics to be prepared for the Southamerican championships!!馃槺馃槺

During the sabbatical year, I talked to some architects and designers, they told me their experiences and some important things about the careers. Beside I searched more information about the career and their curricula.
With this information, I realised that I prefer design insted.

This career is so stressful, and requires so much time馃槗, but in spite of this I love it, and I`m so happy to study this.

I want to achieve all my goals and pass my courses, to become a designer and have my own business, and of course, be famous with that馃拋. hahaha naah I only want to be happy with my job.

Sorry if I extend myself...
See you in the next post, love you guys


mi茅rcoles, 10 de abril de 2019

who I am

Hi! 馃挄
i´m Tania, more known as "Negra", and this is my first blog.

I will tell you, some things about me馃檰

I´m 19 years old. I´m from Coyhaique, but actually i live in Santiago, because I study Design in Universidad de Chile, that´s here.

I have two sisters, Samanta and Natalia and i have a beautiful dog called "Pupy"... yes i know is a commun and a terrible name, but what ever, my little sister put it.

I studied all my life in Mozart´s school, but the last year it closed, so I had to change to a new school, called Carmen Teresiano.

Since 2009 I practice the most beautiful sport in life: rhytmic gymnastics.
In 2016 I represented Chile in a Sudamerican, and I WON THE GOLD MEDAL! This was the best day of my gymnast life.

And this is all for today, hope you enjoy this post, and see you in the next one馃槈.

This is me, doing gymnastics✌


Hi guys, welcome to my eighth blog. How are you today? I´m fine haha, happy to be here again. As the tittle says, today I´m going to talk ...