miércoles, 19 de junio de 2019

A photograph I like

Hi guys!! How are you? I´m excited to be again with you!!

As the title says, this post will be about a photograph that I like. 

When I was seventeen years, I made aerial acrobatics with my friends in Juan 23 Park in Ñuñoa, we went after school or some weekends. 
Nobody of us was an expert on this, and we did´t have a teacher, Denisse, one of my friends was going to classes, and She taught us what she learned in the class. For the same, we didn´t use protection or a pad in case we fall.
One day I want to try a new position, I felt very confident that I could do it, but when I was on the top, I did something wrong, and I got entangled in the fabric. I tried to move to go down, but it was very difficult. Suddenly i made a move that allowed me to go down, but my legs were still tangled, so I fell headfirst into the cement. My friends din´t help me, they laughed and they took a photograph.

This is the photograph:
Denisse sent this picture to a meme´s page and it was so famous!!
I love this photo for that, because is so funny to know that I was very known because my failed trick!! And I like to remember this funny and painful moment...

I hope you enjoy my story! and hope to see you on the next post...
Love you, Negra

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Hi guys, welcome to my eighth blog. How are you today? I´m fine haha, happy to be here again. As the tittle says, today I´m going to talk ...