miércoles, 14 de agosto de 2019


Hi guys!!, How are you?? I´m so happy to write again for you!!😍😍

Today Iim going to tell you about the best holiday I had.

In my family is a tradition that travel is a surprise😜. My mother make a list with the thing we have to take to the trip and we make the suitcase without knowing the place where we will go.
A summer day of 2016 my parents told my sisters and I that we would have a trip, and they gave us the list. For the things written on the list, I thought we would go to the sourth, but when we arrived to the airport, we went to the international side and I had no idea where we would visit.
I just knew where we were going when we got there, and it was full of sings indicating the place... WE WERE IN MIAMI, USA, I could not believe it, I never thought we would go there!!!

We were 3 days in Miami beach and then we went to Disney and Universal parks in Orlando. I really enjoyed those places, it were magical and fun.

Resultado de imagen para disney world

I think this was one of the best travels I had, and i would like to go again.😍🙆

I hope you like this post and see you in the next one.

With love, Negra💓💓

7 comentarios:


Hi guys, welcome to my eighth blog. How are you today? I´m fine haha, happy to be here again. As the tittle says, today I´m going to talk ...