miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2019


Hi guys!! I´m here again🙆

Today I will tell you about one of my rhythmyc gymnastic experiences.

Since I was 9 years old, I practice Rhythmyc Gymnastics at the "Club de gimnasia rítmica la reina".
I train 3 hours,3 days per week and almost saturdays I have competitions.

In 2016 I started to prepare to the Sudamerican Championship,so I left the School and I start to train 8 or 10 hours,every days.
In May of this year I classified for this competition, and in October I traveled to Colombia for this Sudamerican Championship.

And This day my crazy experience Started...

The fly to "Bogotá" lasted 6 hours and then we had to take a bus to "Paipa,Boyacá" that lasted 3 more hours.

There, we only knew the airport,the hotel and the gym, because we have a condence itenary, because of the practices and the competition.

It were 3 days of competition. We compited the first 2 days, because the last day, there was an electric Storm and the light went out, so we can´t compite.

I was so happy and excited, because We won!! so We was THE SUDAMERICAN CHAMPIONS!! 😍😍 and it was an honor for us.

After the competition, We came back to the hotel and had a party with the other gymnasts, and I got a lot of  autographs that I keep until today.

I would love to repeat this travel and relieve those experiences and emotions. 

Hope you enjoy this post, and see you in the next one...

With love...


3 comentarios:


Hi guys, welcome to my eighth blog. How are you today? I´m fine haha, happy to be here again. As the tittle says, today I´m going to talk ...