jueves, 27 de junio de 2019

Design website I like to visit

Hi guys!! How are you today? I´m very sick😔, anyway I come with a new post... I Hope you will enjoy it💕😍

As the title says, today I will tell you about a website that I like to visit. This is an Instagram account of a German Industrial Designer, whose name is Marius Kindler. I found this site last year when I was searching for sketching examples, for a work that I had to do for Sketching class and I didn't know how to do it. I searched "Sketch" on Instagram and the magnificent Marius appear. I enter on his account and I immediately fall in love with his sketches. He constantly upload photos or videos of his sketches and the process he follow to do them.
Since the moment I found this account, Marius became my inspiration, I visit the site at least twice a week to take ideas and tried to imitate his technique, for my own sketches. 
Now I practice every day, I hope someday I will sketch like him.

If you like Industrial design, and like sketching, I totally recomended his account, is full of very good content and It serves as an inspiration.
His site is instagram.com/marius.kindler, I hope you´ll like it as much as I do.

This is all for today, hope to see you in the next blog.

Love you, Negra

1 comentario:

  1. Thanks for the data, I also study industrial design and it is always useful to know about sketching.



Hi guys, welcome to my eighth blog. How are you today? I´m fine haha, happy to be here again. As the tittle says, today I´m going to talk ...