miércoles, 25 de septiembre de 2019


Hi guys. how are you today?? I´m here again with my sixth blog. Hope you enjoy it

As the title says, today I´m going to write about my post graduate studies.

When I left school, I wanted to study Architecture, but then I change my mind and I decided to study design. But, I still like Architecture a lot, so I would like to study this when I finish my current career.
Resultado de imagen para architecture and design

After completing this two careers, I would like to unite them and design a full service from the design and construction of the building, to the design of the interior furniture. The idea of this is that I can design the building as I want, to take advantage of each space and then design the service and the elements and furniture that will be used. Thus, I could show in each element the concept that I would like to express.
And with this, create the best service where the clients have the best possible experience.

Yes, I know it´s a crazy idea, but I know I can do it!!

And this is all for today, I hope you liked it and see you in the next post.

With love


2 comentarios:


Hi guys, welcome to my eighth blog. How are you today? I´m fine haha, happy to be here again. As the tittle says, today I´m going to talk ...