jueves, 27 de junio de 2019

Design website I like to visit

Hi guys!! How are you today? I´m very sick馃様, anyway I come with a new post... I Hope you will enjoy it馃挄馃槏

As the title says, today I will tell you about a website that I like to visit. This is an Instagram account of a German Industrial Designer, whose name is Marius Kindler. I found this site last year when I was searching for sketching examples, for a work that I had to do for Sketching class and I didn't know how to do it. I searched "Sketch" on Instagram and the magnificent Marius appear. I enter on his account and I immediately fall in love with his sketches. He constantly upload photos or videos of his sketches and the process he follow to do them.
Since the moment I found this account, Marius became my inspiration, I visit the site at least twice a week to take ideas and tried to imitate his technique, for my own sketches. 
Now I practice every day, I hope someday I will sketch like him.

If you like Industrial design, and like sketching, I totally recomended his account, is full of very good content and It serves as an inspiration.
His site is instagram.com/marius.kindler, I hope you´ll like it as much as I do.

This is all for today, hope to see you in the next blog.

Love you, Negra

mi茅rcoles, 19 de junio de 2019

Cathedral of Orvieto

Hi Again!!

In this post i will talk about the Cathedral of Orvieto.

Cathedral of Orvieto ("Duomo di Orvieto" in Italy), is a cathedral located in Orvieto, Umbr铆a in Italy. It was buit by order of the "Papa Urbano IV" to commemorate an offer a cult place to the Eucharistic miracle of Bolsena.
This cathedral is consider a national Heritage and a important piece of the italian gothic architecture.

I love this cathedral for two reasons. First, because I love the Italian Architecture, I think is so beautiful and awesome, and that the Italian culture is inside in there constructions, and it expresses a lot.

The second reason that I love this Cathedral is because Italy is myfavourite contry in the world. I never go there, but I´m in love with everything about there, the language, the food, specially lassagne, the people, the places and constructions, the culture... Anyway, I love all about Italy and I would like to live there some day and learn Italian language.

                                               Resultado de imagen para cathedral of orvieto
This is all for today, hope to see you on the next post!! 


A photograph I like

Hi guys!! How are you? I´m excited to be again with you!!

As the title says, this post will be about a photograph that I like. 

When I was seventeen years, I made aerial acrobatics with my friends in Juan 23 Park in 脩u帽oa, we went after school or some weekends. 
Nobody of us was an expert on this, and we did´t have a teacher, Denisse, one of my friends was going to classes, and She taught us what she learned in the class. For the same, we didn´t use protection or a pad in case we fall.
One day I want to try a new position, I felt very confident that I could do it, but when I was on the top, I did something wrong, and I got entangled in the fabric. I tried to move to go down, but it was very difficult. Suddenly i made a move that allowed me to go down, but my legs were still tangled, so I fell headfirst into the cement. My friends din´t help me, they laughed and they took a photograph.

This is the photograph:
Denisse sent this picture to a meme´s page and it was so famous!!
I love this photo for that, because is so funny to know that I was very known because my failed trick!! And I like to remember this funny and painful moment...

I hope you enjoy my story! and hope to see you on the next post...
Love you, Negra


Hi guys, welcome to my eighth blog. How are you today? I´m fine haha, happy to be here again. As the tittle says, today I´m going to talk ...