mi茅rcoles, 28 de agosto de 2019


Hi guys!! I´m here again馃檰

Today I will tell you about one of my rhythmyc gymnastic experiences.

Since I was 9 years old, I practice Rhythmyc Gymnastics at the "Club de gimnasia r铆tmica la reina".
I train 3 hours,3 days per week and almost saturdays I have competitions.

In 2016 I started to prepare to the Sudamerican Championship,so I left the School and I start to train 8 or 10 hours,every days.
In May of this year I classified for this competition, and in October I traveled to Colombia for this Sudamerican Championship.

And This day my crazy experience Started...

The fly to "Bogot谩" lasted 6 hours and then we had to take a bus to "Paipa,Boyac谩" that lasted 3 more hours.

There, we only knew the airport,the hotel and the gym, because we have a condence itenary, because of the practices and the competition.

It were 3 days of competition. We compited the first 2 days, because the last day, there was an electric Storm and the light went out, so we can´t compite.

I was so happy and excited, because We won!! so We was THE SUDAMERICAN CHAMPIONS!! 馃槏馃槏 and it was an honor for us.

After the competition, We came back to the hotel and had a party with the other gymnasts, and I got a lot of  autographs that I keep until today.

I would love to repeat this travel and relieve those experiences and emotions. 

Hope you enjoy this post, and see you in the next one...

With love...


mi茅rcoles, 21 de agosto de 2019


Hi guys!! Here I am again with my third blog.

As the title says, today I will write about movies.

If you ask me what is my favourite movie, I don´t have an answer, because I love watching movies and I like many of different categories. In fact, I like every kind of movies, except the terror ones.

Disney movies are one of my favourite movies. When I was a child my favourite Disney movie was "Monster In", I watched it a thousand times. I felt identified with "Boo", the girl that apear in the movie, and I cried when She cried and I laughed when She laughed.
And now my favourite Disney movie is "tangled". I like that it is another version of Rapunzel, more adventuress and magical. And I love the characters, especially "Pascal" the Chameleon.
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On the other hand, I like thrillers. I really like how they keep you pending and interested, and the music they used to generate suspense. 
In this category, my favourite is "Donnie Darko", i think is an amazing movie and it has a very interesting plot. This movie leaves you thinking and reflecting. 
If you watch it for the first time, you don´t understand anything about it, and you need to watch it more times.
I really recomend it, you have to watch it!!!

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Ok, it´s all for today, I think I write too much haha
I hope you enjoy this post. See you in the next one...
With love 

mi茅rcoles, 14 de agosto de 2019


Hi guys!!, How are you?? I´m so happy to write again for you!!馃槏馃槏

Today Iim going to tell you about the best holiday I had.

In my family is a tradition that travel is a surprise馃槣. My mother make a list with the thing we have to take to the trip and we make the suitcase without knowing the place where we will go.
A summer day of 2016 my parents told my sisters and I that we would have a trip, and they gave us the list. For the things written on the list, I thought we would go to the sourth, but when we arrived to the airport, we went to the international side and I had no idea where we would visit.
I just knew where we were going when we got there, and it was full of sings indicating the place... WE WERE IN MIAMI, USA, I could not believe it, I never thought we would go there!!!

We were 3 days in Miami beach and then we went to Disney and Universal parks in Orlando. I really enjoyed those places, it were magical and fun.

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I think this was one of the best travels I had, and i would like to go again.馃槏馃檰

I hope you like this post and see you in the next one.

With love, Negra馃挀馃挀

mi茅rcoles, 7 de agosto de 2019


Hi guys!!馃檰 This is my first blog of the second semester of university. As the title says, I´ll talk about a country i´d like to visit... Hope you like it!!

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Since I was little I always dreamed of traveling to Venice, Italy. I think this place is magical and wonderfull and hide a lot of secrets.
I have never gone there, but i really like to go some day. In fact, I would like to live there, because I love everything about Italy, the people, the language, the culture, the architecture, really everything!!

I always search information and pictures of this place and I always found new beautiful places to visit in there, like the Ducal Palace, the Ca' Rezzonico, the San Marco Square and my favourite the Rialto Bridge that crosses the Grand Canal. My dream is to pass down the bridge sailing in a Gondola, because I think this is so adorable and romantic and it could be the perfect date to have with my boyfriend馃挊馃拸.

Now that I´m in University I will try to apply for an student exchange to go study there...

I Hope my dream comes true and one day to live there.

With love for you, Negra馃挀


Hi guys, welcome to my eighth blog. How are you today? I´m fine haha, happy to be here again. As the tittle says, today I´m going to talk ...