domingo, 21 de abril de 2019

My career

Hi! I`m here again💕

When I was a Child I never talked about what I wanted to be. However, my parents noticed that I really liked to teach kids and they thougth that I will become a Kindergarten teacher.

But no!! hahaha😂 sorry parents, here I am studying design, like I said in my last post.
But this wasn´t like this. When I graduated from high school the only idea in my mind was to study architecture in Universidad de Chile.

When I got my PSU qualification I realized that I could study architecture!! 🙆 I was so excited and I applied inmediately. But after a while, just before enrolling, I decided to take a sabbatical year in order to practice rhytmic gymnastics to be prepared for the Southamerican championships!!😱😱

During the sabbatical year, I talked to some architects and designers, they told me their experiences and some important things about the careers. Beside I searched more information about the career and their curricula.
With this information, I realised that I prefer design insted.

This career is so stressful, and requires so much time😓, but in spite of this I love it, and I`m so happy to study this.

I want to achieve all my goals and pass my courses, to become a designer and have my own business, and of course, be famous with that💁. hahaha naah I only want to be happy with my job.

Sorry if I extend myself...
See you in the next post, love you guys


miércoles, 10 de abril de 2019

who I am

Hi! 💕
i´m Tania, more known as "Negra", and this is my first blog.

I will tell you, some things about me🙆

I´m 19 years old. I´m from Coyhaique, but actually i live in Santiago, because I study Design in Universidad de Chile, that´s here.

I have two sisters, Samanta and Natalia and i have a beautiful dog called "Pupy"... yes i know is a commun and a terrible name, but what ever, my little sister put it.

I studied all my life in Mozart´s school, but the last year it closed, so I had to change to a new school, called Carmen Teresiano.

Since 2009 I practice the most beautiful sport in life: rhytmic gymnastics.
In 2016 I represented Chile in a Sudamerican, and I WON THE GOLD MEDAL! This was the best day of my gymnast life.

And this is all for today, hope you enjoy this post, and see you in the next one😉.

This is me, doing gymnastics✌


Hi guys, welcome to my eighth blog. How are you today? I´m fine haha, happy to be here again. As the tittle says, today I´m going to talk ...