miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2019


Hi guys, welcome to my eighth blog. How are you today? I´m fine haha, happy to be here again.

As the tittle says, today I´m going to talk about smoking weed. Specifically I will give you my opinion about it. I personally do not smoke weed, I tried it a while ago with my boyfriend, but I didn´t like it, the feeling of being flown was unpleasant and terrible and the smoke bothered me.
Besides I had a bad experience with that, but I´m not going to tell you, it´s a secret haha. 😈

Resultado de imagen para marihuana pito
I have heard good stories of my friends in which this drug has taken them on great trips and they have had excellent experiences. I don´t know why I couldn´t feel the same, but I would love to be able to live that experience and understand the feeling, but without smoking haha.
Will there be any way to replicate it? Tell me in the comments haha 😂💥

Okay, no more about my experience haha, now I will give you my opinion👀.
Currently, the use of Marijuana is very common in people and the number of consumers is increasing.
I think that each person has the right to decide whether to smoke weed or not, also illegal or not, people will continue smoking.
I think it shouldn´t be illegal.

On the other hand, many times, Marijuana is used for medicinal purposes, because it brings many health benefits, like fight migraines, decrease the growth rate of tumors or prevent Alzheimer´s.

But I think that since everything in excess does wrong, it is important that people control their consumption and there is the problem, the amount of Marijuana consumed is excessive and that could bring damage to the body.

Besides that the use of marijuana should not be for minors, but it is very difficult to control that.😕
Resultado de imagen para marihuana

And this is all for today, I would like to know your opinion about this topic, so leave it in the comments🙆.
I hope to see you in the next post!!

With love

miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2019


Hi guys! welcome to my blog number 7, I hope you enjoy it!!

Today I´m going to write about the worst thing that I didn´t mean to do.

When I was a child I was very hyperventilated and crezy and I was always in trouble.

The worst disaster I made by accident was when I was two years old. I was with my family at my aunt´s house. They where eating and I was upstairs playing with my cousins.

Suddenly I wanted to go to the bathroom, so I went and I stayed playing inside. I liked to see how the sink water fell, so I opened the sink tap and stay playing with the water. I don´t remember if the sink was covered or I covered it to keep playing, but because it was clogged, the water rising, the sink was revalsed and began to drain through the bathroom. Since I was little I didn´t realize that and keep playing.
The water kept flowing until it flooded the second floor and then started down the stairs.

After a long while, I felt very wet, so I went back to where my older cousin was. She saw me very wet, She looked at the floor that was all flooded and yelled "Mom".
My mother heard the scream and ran up the stairs. That´s when She felt the splash of her feet on the flooded staircase.

It was so flooded that the wall paper was inflated and they had to prick it with needles for the water to come out.

Imagen relacionada

And this my story for today. I hope you liked it and see you in the next post

With love



Hi guys, welcome to my eighth blog. How are you today? I´m fine haha, happy to be here again. As the tittle says, today I´m going to talk ...