miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2019

Food memories

Hi guys!!, it´s been a long time without writting for you... I missed you😓💓

Today I will tell you my story about cooking.
When I was little I didn´t like to cook, I thought that is boring and i was afraid to burn myself with the stove.

I continued with this thought until the last year, when I knew Benjamin, my actual boyfriend, because He loves cooking and He teach me the funny side of cooking.

Now we always cook together and we love to copy and create receips. Some of them was delicius, but some others hmmm well no too good hahaha.

I remember one day, that we want to cook a dessert, We watch the receip on internet and it looks delicius and easy to prepare. This dessert was make of marshmellows, so we went to the supermarket to buy that. When we came back home, we are so exited! We really want to prepare that.

The receip said that we have to melt the marshmellows to generate a pasta and then we have to put it inside the fridge for 40 minutes. We did it and while we waited for it to be ready, we watched a movie... AND WE FORGOT THE DESSERT, so we take out the desset 1 hour and a half minutes after!! and it was totaly frozen!! It was like a rock, you hit it and it didn´t break!! It was so fanny and sad at the same time. We can´t eat our dessert and we promised never cooking again with marshmellows. 

This is all for today, hope you like my story and see you in the next post!! love you💓💓


Hi guys, welcome to my eighth blog. How are you today? I´m fine haha, happy to be here again. As the tittle says, today I´m going to talk ...